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The Goethe Institute transmits Germany-related information worldwide – across its digital platforms in more than 60 languages, and through its network of libraries. It has also initiated a cooperation with further partners from libraries across Germany, regularly presenting with them in international contexts, using a fair stand. This allows for a represetation of pooled competencies, mutually enhancing individual offers.
In recent years, the fair stand has had a different composition for each IFLA fair. In order to present at future fairs in a unified but also flexible way, a new stand concept is to be developed that can be developed and assembled anywhere in the world – saving on time, costs, transport, and materials.
Working within a narrow budget, we developed – on the basis of the Octanorm Octawall System – a simple fair stand, which can be implemented as a corner or stand-alone structure. Depending on need, the structure can also be mirrored. Our client had preferences for an inviting effect, whilst other criteria included space for informal conversations, and for presenting information material and giveaways. A backlit cube with the slogan attracts attention, even from a distance. This stand will be visible for the first time at the IFLA 2018 in Kuala Lumpur.