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In 2015 and 2016, the Goethe Institute and the Leuphana Digital School combined to offer an open online course, available to those interested in working within the cultural sector, called MOOC Managing the Arts. The course lasted for 14 weeks, and employed methods such as peer learning, knowledge-based mentoring, video-based education and modern video-lectures. 24 thousand interested parties across 175 countries participated in the MOOC, which included 960 minutes of video content and case studies.
For its resulting documentation, the Goethe Institute requested a high-quality fact sheet, in which the facts and figures are presented, and the participants have a voice. The folder was to be a positive example for the Goethe Institute, as well as a reference and showcase for further projects.
The 4-page document arranges all its essential components in a clear and attractive fashion. A die-cut of the cover playfully binds the main elements together – cultural work and online course. Meanwhile, one’s attention is draw to this unusual presentation. Various portraits give a face to the voices, and offer the project a personal note: behind the digital setting and virtual space of the MOOC are real people and a long-standing cooperation. In addition to the print copy, a digital PDF version was also created.