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The German International Olympics took place again in 2018, with 143 young people from 74 countries travelling to Freiburg to take part. Their two-week stay in Germany tested the mettle of participants – not only their language abilities, but also their intercultural competency, team spirit, and creativity.
Studio Alpenglühen again accepted the challenge of design and implementation for the event. We were responsible for design as well as production of new key visuals, medals, invitations, T-shirts, and a variety of other media, ensuring a sustainable as well as economic implementation process. These media served not only as publicity and event marketing, but also for internal team-building, contributing towards a sense of identitly for participants – with “Dabei Sein!” ("Get into it!") as the central visual motif and slogan.
The new motif was oriented along the lines of our previous design concept from 2016, building on a tried and tested concept, while incorporating typical perspectives from Freiburg. By applying the same slogan and series-based structure to the event design, we provided recognition value within the corporate design of the Goethe Institute. In particular, the practical use and reapplicability of the merchandise was highly valued.