top2025 © Studio Alpenglow | Imprint | Data Protection
The Goethe Institute’s libraries showcase Germany. With a network of 97 locations in 66 countries, these libraries offer global access to more than 840,000 pieces of analogue and digital media.
We have been tasked with producing a creative and unusual flyer which conveys the Goethe Institute’s predetermined core messages quickly, clearly, appealingly, and in a modern style. Enough flexibility should be built into the flyer’s design, so that directions, addresses or important notices can be added by the individual libraries. The same layout will be used for all translated versions and must therefore be compatible for languages that are written from right to left – always, of course, in combination with German translations.
Aside from the libraries’ staff, their Goethe Institute colleagues, and our cooperation partners, the flyer will address those members of the public who may have an interest in using the analogue and digital media of the Goethe Institute’s libraries, with a view to increasingly both public engagement and library usage.
During the flyer’s development we created customised illustrations, which appear in both the text layout and in posters. These illustrations will eventually form a visual language corresponding to a eye-catching design aesthetic, which can be used by the Goethe Institute’s libraries for future publications.